


映画、「コンテイジョン」がコロナの状況を予言している、と話題になっているよう。出演者が行っているPSA(public service announcement 公共広告)がYoutubeで公開されていて、マット・デイモンのビデオが心に響いたのでメモ。気になった表現、面白い文法のところだけ太字。



 Hey everybody. This is Matt Damon. A few years ago, a bunch of us did this movie called "Contagion", which we've noticed is creeping its way back up on the charts on iTunes for obvious reasons given what we're all living through right now.

こんにちは。マット・デイモンです。数年前、我々は「コンテイジョン」という映画を作りました。この映画が iTunesのチャートで徐々に上がってきているようです。理由はご存じの通り、今私たちが置かれている状況によるものです。


And so the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University reached out to the cast, and asked us if we would have a virtual reunion to do some PSAs for everybody that might be helpful. And so we readily agreed. And so here they are. Everything you're going to hear from us has been vetted by public health experts and scientists.




So, I'm here to talk to you about social distancing. We've been hearing a lot about on TV, I think the last couple weeks.



In the movie, I played a guy who was immune to the hypothetical virus that was spreading around the world. And so, a few things to start.



One, that was a movie, this is real life. I have no reason to believe that I'm immune to COVID-19 and neither do you no matter how young you are. This  is a new virus. It's gonna take some time for our bodies and our doctors to understand it and to understand the best way to protect us.



New viruses emerge all the time. This isn't the first and it won't be the last. So the good news is , we have seen things like this before, and we emerged stronger as a result. And in time, we're going to win against this one as well.



HOW MUCH TIME? That is an excellent question.


